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Opening Day in Sandpoint

Brought to you by the Bonner County Historical Society & Museum

Opening Day Schweitzer

The month of November officially commences the holiday season. While the whole country is preparing for the holidays and attending one party after another, there is yet another day marked on all Sandpointions’ calendars.

Opening day up at Schweitzer is a holiday in and of itself for Sandpoint. Many citizens of this little mountain town dream of powder, the smell of ski wax, and the Outback lodge hot cocoa the night before. They wake up more eager than on Christmas morning and make their way up the switchbacks to their local ski resort.

Schweitzer delighted a few outdoor enthusiasts as early as the 1930s, but it became official in 1963. Today Schweitzer has greatly expanded and is a desired destination for many beyond the borders of Bonner County, but in the beginning, a lift ticket cost just $3.50.

Soon we will be celebrating yet another Opening Day at Schweitzer.


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