Bonner County Museum home to the longest-recorded ski hat! Brought to you by the Bonner County Historical Society & Museum
Display of 700-foot ski hat in the Bonner County Museum.
Photo courtesy of the Bonner County Historical Society & Museum.
Did you know that Bonner County has the longest-recorded ski hat in the world?! In 1977, a man named Scott Hadley and a woman by the name of Ginny Woodward decided that this would be a perfect addition to the local Winter Carnival parade. Although they dreamed up the idea and set it into motion, the community brought it to life. For $2 you could buy a foot-long section with a name or business knitted into it or $5 for a four one-foot repeat. With close to 550 advertising panels, the colorful knitted creation resulted in around 700 feet! The seaming of the hat took a whole day to do, and they almost missed the parade trying to turn it inside out. It was all worth it for our local "wonder of the world," which is now preserved at the Bonner County Museum.