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The Wait is Over!

The Wait is Over!

The awards keep rolling in for the region’s oldest distillery. Now in its 13th year in business, it’s hard to believe that Dry Fly Distilling was one of the first 25 craft distilleries in the nation when it opened its doors in 2007. Relaxed laws and consumer demand for locally made spirits has started a boom in the industry, and Dry Fly continues to be a major player—not just in the Northwest, but all across the country! And the inspiration began with a fishing trip.

While Don Poffenroth was entertaining clients on the Gallatin River in Montana, the group drinking high-end vodka, he began to contemplate whether the glass in hand was truly the best vodka the world had to offer. His response: No. It was at that moment that the inspiration behind Dry Fly Distilling was born.

“The name Dry Fly not only recalled the original inspiration but also captured the beauty of the Northwest and the qualities that fly fishing requires—patience, persistence, presentation and perfection; the same qualities required to produce and market fine spirits,” says co-owner Terry Nichols.

At that time, there was no craft distillers license in Washington state, so Don, with local senator Chris Marr, drafted a piece of legislation that would allow for the creation of a craft distillers license, as long as the producer used a high percentage of Washington-grown ingredients in the manufacturing process.

“We make vodka, gin, barrel-aged gin and multiple whiskey styles,” says Terry. The distillery gets everything, save their juniper berries, from within an hour drive of its Spokane operation, creating a true representation of the Northwest.

At its inception, Dry Fly Distilling produced two products—their superb high-quality vodka and gin. More than a decade later, the distillery continues its original products but is also excited to have new releases that have been many years in the making. “We are releasing our 6-year-old Triticale, a 6-year-old Port Barrel-Aged Triticale and a DOMA Coffee Barrel-Finished Triticale as distillery-only features,” says Terry.

Dry Fly is also excited about its newest wheat whiskey release dubbed “Cask & Release.” A unique collaboration helped infuse the flavors of Dry Fly’s whiskey into a batch of Pelican Brewing’s Captain of the Coast Wee Heavy Scotch Ale. Once the barrels were returned to Dry Fly from the brewery, wheat whiskey was placed back into the barrels for an additional two years and picked up unique flavors of oak spice, cocoa and toffee.

At the Dry Fly Tasting Room, guests interact with a friendly staff who can serve up mini-cocktails or flights of straight spirits. You will also find live music most Fridays. Here you can also pick up some of the distillery’s newest creations—canned craft cocktails. Dry Fly uses its quality ingredients, along with premium craft cocktail syrups from Side Hustle Syrups and bitters from Skidmore Bitters, to produce their on-the-fly cocktails like Spicy Lemonade, Gin & Tonic and the especially popular Moscow Mule. These items are also currently rolling into local markets.

Producing high-quality products while supporting local farmers, connecting with their employees, community, customers and fans, as well as supporting local nonprofit organizations are what make Dry Fly stand out in the emerging craft spirits market.

Patience, persistence, presentation and perfection. With the uncompromising commitment to quality and values, taste and discover excellence embodied in each bottle.

Dry Fly Distilling

Spokane, WA

1003 E. Trent, Suite 200



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